
Our Purpose

To carry Christ to everyone, everywhere, in every generation through
partnership with the local church and to pray for the great

Our Mission

To pray and reach every person including the marginalized with the
gospel because “Every Person Matters.”

Our Goals

  • To mobilize, train and equip more people to become intercessors
  • To develop the art of praying more systematically for the nations of Africa and the world
  • To evangelize and disciple the marginalized in every community

Who are the Marginalised

  • The least reached and most abandoned, home to home, hospitals, street kids, prisons, the disabled, the elderly, teenage moms,
  • The Compassion : Matthew 9:36-38. Jesus saw the crowds. Had compassion. Saw a plenteous harvest and a great need for
  • Pray to the Lord of the harvest to sent more labourers.
  • Matthew 28:19 to 20. Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations….
  • “Pray ye” and “Go ye” work together. So Prayer & Evangelism go hand in hand.
  • Jer 9::17-20, “Consider the wailing women..” Women understand pain.
  • Psalm 68:11 “the Lord gave the command, and great are the women who published it. – Women are relational

How we do it

  • Connect with the church to recruit people who want to develop their prayer lives
  • Train the new recruits to pray using the following resources
  • How to pray booklet (for beginners)
  • BFAM prayer (for discipleship))
  • Change the World School of Prayer (Intecessors)
  • Online Global Prayer School (Prayer Graduates)
  • Use of personal relationships and humanitarian aid to reach and disciple the marginalized with the gospel
  • Refer and connect new disciples into local churches or form Christ groups for continued fellowship and support